Saturday, December 13, 2008

Dimensions: Variable

Our dimensions are always variable, we exist in manifold realities. Photography can momentarily encapsulate this essence as our physical being is broken down into a reflection of light within a series of frames.

Canon AE-1 photo scans

Indeed these are old, about a year old, but i felt compelled to put them on here. Most of these are just for fun when i was just dipping my feet in 35 mm photography

Friday, December 12, 2008

The tide of emptiness is subsumed back into itself
Lethe is beckoning me once more
I stand on the shore of my own consciousness
The shallow, murky water of time and space
It is a veritable antarctic illustrated in monochrome
Beyond the shore I see him-
The shadowy figure calling out to me
His black cloak a patchwork of transgressions
His face, components of an inner reflection.
The sickening pallor contradicting the seductive eyes of the familiar
Outstretching his hand, the forbidden longing
of a dark desire, a hungering to fill the void;
With another void complete. 

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Like a fresh baby slick from it's mother's womb

I am soooooooooo stoked to own this. It is now my third arm.
I get to make my first prints from it tomorrow :)

Friday, April 11, 2008


At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.
Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey;
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.
I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore;
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.
The nine spheres disappeared in that moon;
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.

Divan, 649:1-3,5 Rumi