Saturday, June 5, 2010

1986-1994: White Light Bled Forth

Tiny arms outstretched to the heavens
Not to the cyan oblivion
Nor absorbing the golden spectrum of the sun
But instead outlining the unobtainable
Blinding pit of the sky.

Wide-eyed, an impressionable mind
I collected fog on the window from hot breath
Blanched light; the color of god, the intangible heavens above me.
The universe, through a child’s eyes
Ultimately Neutral
Limited in depth, and paltry in perception
A projection of naivety upon the glass
Bleeding light from my fingertips onto the surface
Revealing a world, with borders not yet resolute
Tracing shadows of the realm outside
Sometimes from the inside out
Sizes of objects indicating some hierarchal order
Of the pure heart and mind.

Sometimes we shut our eyes firmly
The brilliance of the world illuminated
Is too much to bear

In our youth we must first be blinded
Before we turn askance from each other
To see things as they are.
The only true teleology is indifference
And it diverges us, purges us from kinship
It washes away the dust of perception
With the deluge of judgment

Nineteen ninety four
The date I opened my eyes
succumbing to the floodwaters
That filled my body with bleach
and white light at my core
The burden of reality
is quite oft indiscriminate
We pass through the spectrum
and right to the floor of the earth
Side by side
ripped asunder

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